Showing posts with label blogstart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogstart. Show all posts

Sunday, September 6, 2020

It's A Start

 If you have found your way here, then I guess I must have either struck a nerve or you are really bored, searching the interweb for anything that may seem fresh and exciting. I guarantee I am far from fresh and exciting but thanks for visiting anyway. 

So lets get down to it.

 After a few years of start and stop vaping to replace my 40+ year addiction to cigarettes, I have finally become determined to quit combustible tobacco products for good. I officially quit smoking cigarettes on Jan 1, 2020 and moved to the Iqos heat not burn system. After do that until the end of June, I switched off all forms of tobacco completely and have moved on to exclusively vaping to calm my nicotine addiction. 

So, what will you find on this blog that is different from any other that covers vaping and its products? Well, I can't say that you will have your mind blown and be so moved to quit that you hail me a hero but I will say that I will give you my honest opinion on the products I try.

I am not nor will I ever be a paid reviewer. I purchase all the products I use and review with my own hard earned cash, so I can give you my unbiased opinion on them. 

If ever anyone disagrees with my opinion, "So What!" No really, I welcome any conversation on what I have to say as long as it is respectful both way. I feel open honest dialogue is the best way for all of us to get along and understand the world we live in.

So lets get down to it.

First Review: Smok Nord 2 Pod 

I purchased the Smok Nord 2 after seeing reviews from Matt at SMM and Tony B at the Vapor Trail. Along with a multitude of other vape reviewers, I follow them both on youtube and often purchase based off these reviews. They are more often then not, spot on and sources that I have come to trust.

Now the Nord 2 initially was a great little vape. I enjoyed the compact size along with the built in battery that gave me an all day alternative to carrying a much larger mod around all day. I initially purchased it to use with Nic Salts as I wanted an alternative to my bigger mods and sub-ohm tanks.

Pros and Cons

Pros: Size. As a smaller form factor this pod fit great in the pocket and comfortable in the hand. Worked well after coil changes and the pods hold a great deal of e-liquid. 

Cons: Well really only one con, leaking. This thing leaks live a 100 year old dam, built from wood that has not been maintained at all. If I didnt constantly vape it, the coils become over saturated and begin to leak out of the bottom fed air inlet holes. This also produces a gurgling that drives me nuts. 

My opinion: I chucked it in the trash! This device has driven me crazy and after many pod and coil replacements (spent more money on this thing in just a few months than any of the other devices), I finally gave up and got rid of it. I am not now nor have I been a fan of bottom air flow as they always tend to leak if not constantly vaped. The Smok Nord 2 has finally cemented that in my opinion and moving forward will help influence my purchases. 

Well there you have it. My first online review and as I stated, my own personal experience and opinion. If you find this helpful, great! If not, that is cool too. Take care and Vape on!

Shoutout to Coilturd

Attention: This is not a review ... Good morning everyone. This is just a quick hit to give props where props are due. I recently placed an ...